In The News Today: 5/23/2024.

Fears Taiwan on the brink as China holds ‘punisher’ military drills off coast

Taiwan says China’s military drills appear to simulate an attack on the island | CBC News

The Chinese military has surrounded Taiwan, as Beijing’s latest threats spark fear of an imminent invasion of the self-ruled island.

The manoeuvres, which simulate an invasion of the island, are part of China’s surprise two-day military war games. China has said the drills are intended to “punish” Taiwan for its “separatist acts,” just days after the self-ruling island inaugurated a new president.

Taiwan’s military has blasted the drills as “irrational provocations”. Taiwan has since put its sea, air and ground forces on alert and urged Beijing to “act rational”. The island’s air defence and missile forces have been ordered to monitor possible targets.

The drills have almost completely blockaded the island, with exercises happening all around the main island, as well as the Taipei-controlled islands of Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqiu and Dongyin. Taiwanese media cited military expert Chieh Chung saying the ongoing exercise is aimed at “simulating a full-scale armed invasion of Taiwan”.

California And New York Are Even Shaking Down Fleeing Residents

“The minute you file a partial return you’re going to hear from New York state,” said Jonathan Mariner, who created TaxDay, an app that tracks users’ locations so they don’t overstay the threshold of days that would trigger residency status, which is typically 184 (for irony, slip a nine in after the one).

So for the really rich, a misplaced day in New York (or on the other coast, California) can mean millions lost to the tax authority. How serious is this?

Nahmias and Kamisher write, “State officials are stepping up already-intense scrutiny to make sure former residents have actually moved. It’s a complex operation that involves cutting-edge artificial intelligence and tracking everything from travel to the location of people’s pets.”

If you live in New York, you are considered a resident for tax purposes, paying levies on income from every source, even those outside the state.

However, New York authorities consider someone a resident even if they don’t live there, as long as they’ve spent more than 183 days in New York and maintain a “permanent place of abode,” which could simply be a vacation home.

“Even though you have a Florida driver’s license, Florida voting record, Florida home, it does not matter,” said Mariner, who created his app after facing his own residency audit after moving to the Sunshine State. “You could be on vacation in New York, and they’ll pull you back in.”

There are three hundred auditors chasing the rich for New York’s Department of Taxation and Finance, and they are celebrated for their exhaustiveness.

“Bank records, phone bills and family photos are under the microscope. Auditors are backed up by sophisticated artificial intelligence-fueled tax monitoring systems that flag inconsistencies in returns,” write the authors from Bloomberg.

New York and California have become the dark dystopia Orwell described in 1984. Why does anyone stay?

Gen X, boomers among student loan borrowers who owe the most: report

Borrowers in Maryland have amassed the most student loan debt per capita in the country. (Paul Morigi/Getty Images for We the 45 Million / Getty Images)

Amid 2024 presidential election campaigning, student loan debt and forgiveness is a critical issue to American voters with college graduates struggling to contribute to their loan tab.

Across the country, Gen X and a portion of baby boomers racked up an average of $44,331 in loan debt per capita, which is a quarter above the U.S. average, according to DegreeChoices, a higher education research group.

“Federal loan debt in the United States totals $1.727 trillion, accounting for 92.8% of all student loan debt, with the remainder borrowed from other sources, such as home equity loans and child funding,” David Levy of DegreeChoices wrote in a press release provided to FOX Business.

On Wednesday, President Biden announced $7.7 billion in student loan handouts to more than 160,000 borrowers.

In early April, Biden approved debt relief for student loan borrowers exceeding $140 billion for 4 million Americans, which received bipartisan skepticism from lawmakers.

“Joe Biden is forcing the American people to foot the bill for his illegal student loan bailout in a desperate attempt to save his failing campaign,” House GOP Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., told Fox News Digital during an interview at the time.

States with the highest outstanding student loan debt:

Schumer-backed border bill fails a second time with even less Dem support

Schumer brought back up a Democrat-backed border bill as Republicans united to block the attempt.  (Getty Images)

The Senate failed to advance a border bill backed by some Democrats and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Thursday, seeing the measure garner less support than it did in February when it was first considered. 

By a vote of 43-50, senators chose not to advance the bill, which was negotiated in a bipartisan nature by Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., and James Lankford, R-Okla.

Both Lankford and Sinema sided against their own legislation, a departure from their previous votes. 

Prior to the vote, House leadership, including Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., Majority Whip Tom Emmer, R-Minn., and Republican conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., said the bill would not see the light of day in the lower chamber. According to them, it would be “dead on arrival.” 

Instead, the leaders of Republicans in the House pointed to the H.R. 2 border legislation that was previously sent to the Senate and includes many GOP priorities as it relates to the southern border. 

Patrick Bet-David on Trump, Iran, and What Chris Cuomo Should Do with the Rest of His Life

Patrick Bet-David is an entrepreneur, author, and founder of Valuetainment: a multimedia company focusing on business and personal development. He’s also the host of “The Bet-David Podcast.”

Soros-backed Portland county DA’s crushing loss to anti-crime candidate prompts celebration online

Journalists and political commentators celebrated news that voters in Multnomah County, Oregon, which includes Portland, ousted incumbent District Attorney Mike Schmidt and replaced him with a former Republican on Wednesday.

“It’s official: Portland got the Schmidt kicked out of it!” Portland-based journalist Andy Ngo wrote. “Soros-funded [Schmidt] has finally conceded after the surge of last-minute ballots failed to help him overcome his gap against centrist challenger Nathan Vasquez. Antifa now have a new target.”

Prosecutor Nathan Vasquez defeated Schmidt — a progressive DA who took office amid the George Floyd protests and whose campaign has received contributions from groups linked to liberal billionaire George Soros — by a margin of 55.7% to 43.8%, according to the National Review. It is a major victory in one of the most dependably blue regions in the country. 

Vasquez plans on stopping “open air drug dealing and drug use while helping connect individuals to treatment,” he told Fox News Digital in a statement after beating Schmidt, his former boss.

California Gov. Newsom’s budget could cost businesses billions in higher taxes

 (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images / Getty Images)

“I don’t see there’s a real need right now to increase general taxes in the state, and put more burden on working folks and our competitive posture. I do not believe we need that this year or next year,” Newsom, a Democrat, told reporters during a press conference earlier in May. “I don’t know how many times I can say no to that tax question.”

Yet a new report published by the California Taxpayers Association (CalTax), a nonpartisan and nonprofit tax research group, suggests Newsom’s revised budget plan actually contains several indirect tax increases on businesses that could cost as much as $18 billion over the next four years. 

Newsom called for banning businesses with annual revenue over $1 million from deducting their net operating losses and limiting usage of business tax credits to $5 million for the 2025, 2026 and 2027 tax years. 

CalTax estimated that change alone would increase corporate tax revenue by $15.9 billion over the next four years. 

The proposal also calls for reversing a recent ruling by the Office of Tax Appeals (OTA) regarding the treatment of repatriated income. OTA ultimately sided with Microsoft in its long-running dispute with the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) over the treatment of its foreign earnings. Microsoft was awarded a $94 million refund – a “significant” decision that tax experts said could bring in millions of dollars for companies that do business in California. 

The FTB estimated the ruling could cost California about $1.3 billion in refunds immediately and millions more in coming years.

But Newsom’s proposal would essentially nullify the decision by declaring the FTB had, in fact, correctly applied the law. The change would apply retroactively and prospectively to taxable years “beginning before, on, or after the effective date of this bill.” 

Judge orders former Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby to forfeit condo; sentencing underway

 (Jerry Jackson/The Baltimore Sun via AP, File)

A sentencing hearing before a federal judge for Mosby got underway Thursday after a forfeiture hearing. Mosby was previously convicted of one count of mortgage fraud after testifying that she unintentionally made false statements on loan applications to buy two Florida vacation homes.

In November, Mosby was convicted of two counts of perjury by a federal jury after she falsely claimed financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to withdraw money from the city’s retirement fund.

Mosby argued that she was the target of a politically and racially motivated prosecution under the Trump administration, and she has asked President Biden to pardon her. 

“While pardon applications generally express remorse and regret, what happens when justice was not served and in fact, denied? No such remorse and regret is appropriate in this case,” Mosby’s pardon application states, according to The Associated Press. 

Hawley Rejects Attempts To Gut His RECA Reauthorization Bill: ‘Victims Have Waited Too Long’

Student shot during dismissal on last day of school in Louisiana, shooter sought | LiveNOW from FOX

A student was shot Thursday outside of West Jefferson High School in Harvey, Louisiana as school was dismissing on the last day of classes, according to the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office.

Investigators said the 18-year-old male student suffered injuries that were not believed to be life-threatening. Students were reportedly boarding the buses to go home at the time the gunshots were fired.

Many of the students were rushed to the gym to shelter-in-place during the incident. The suspected shooter had not been identified or arrested, as of Thursday afternoon.

Video: NBC’s Ruhle: Biden Is Buying Votes with Loan Plan, But GOP Does That by Letting People Keep More of Their Own Money

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “11th Hour,” host Stephanie Ruhle responded to accusations from Republicans that President Joe Biden is trying to buy votes with his student loan plans by saying, “isn’t this just how politics works? Fulfilling campaign promises to certain groups.” And by arguing that 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump and other Republicans do the same thing by letting people keep more of their own money by cutting taxes.

IDF Chief urges fortitude on all fronts; Israel rejects Palestine recognition TV7 Israel News 23.05

1) The IDF continues to deepen its operational achievements on all fronts.

2) Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant emphasizes Jerusalem’s unyielding determination to win the war versus Hamas.

3) Israel announces a list of punitive measures against Norway, Spain and Ireland.

Germany Warns Netanyahu It Will Execute Any ICC Arrest Warrants Against Him

Kay Nietfeld/picture alliance via Getty

Asked by reporters in Berlin if Germany would execute any ICC arrest warrants if issued against Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Steffen Hebestreit, a spokesman for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, said, “Of course. Yes, we abide by the law,” Politico reported.

If ICC judges grant the requested warrants, 124 countries across the world – including every member of the European Union – will be obliged to arrest Netanyahu and Gallant on sight.

It is the first time in the court’s history that a sitting Western-backed leader has been targeted by the international court in this manner.

Germany’s decision comes after Israel’s Ambassador to Berlin, Ron Prosor, made a direct plea to the German government to reject the ICC’s proposed arrest warrant.

Exclusive — Sen. Tim Scott: Democrats Are ‘Virtue Signaling’ on Immigration to Keep Senate Control

Win McNamee/Pool via AP

“This is absolutely about Chuck Schumer trying to keep Democrats in Senate seats,” Scott told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview Wednesday night.

Schumer’s immigration bill was negotiated earlier in 2024 by Sens. Chris Murphy (D-CT), Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), and James Lankford (R-OK) as part of a broader deal to unlock tens of billions of dollars in foreign aid. That deal failed after details of the border component revealed the pro-migration legislation would increase green cards and work permits and tie a future administration’s hands to stop a migration spike, among countless other problems.

Schumer is bringing the stand-alone border bill back to the Senate floor Thursday. President Joe Biden has endorsed the legislation, lobbying lawmakers to approve the package and increase immigration into the country.

The bill will fail. Scott pointed out that the Schumer-led Senate’s performative vote — which pundits have suggested is engineered to give endangered Sens. John Tester (D-MT), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Bob Casey (D-PA) cover — is not a serious attempt to address a critical threat facing Americans.

“[Democrats] aren’t worried about the 70,000 Americans who’ve lost their lives to fentanyl,” Scott said. “They’re not worried about sleeper cells in our country. They’re not even worried about the fact that we’ve seen a 6,000 percent increase in Chinese nationals coming across our southern border. No, they’re worrying about the prospects on November 5. And virtue signaling does not solve problems. It’s frustrating to me.”

Schumer’s Revived Border Bill Promises ‘Orderly’ Flood of Economic Migrants

Christian Torres/Anadolu via Getty Images

Democrats are also using the debate to bury the nation’s immigration debate about the damage of President Joe Biden’s cheap-labor migration policy and towards the smaller issue of border management.

“This [Democratic] bill, if it passes, would be effective in bringing order to the southwest border,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn) said on Tuesday.

The “orderly” goal is shared by many progressive advocates and Democratic donors. The bill would have helped “more migrants come here successfully and efficiently,” said progressive columnist Greg Sargent.

On Thursday, Democrats will try to pass the border bill through the Senate. The bill is reportedly unchanged from the February version which would have accelerated the inflow of low-wage economic migrants by expanding various asylum and parole gateways.

It would not offer any significant curbs or legal authorities to deport illegals or penalize employers who hire illegals.The bill is expected to fail, but it distracts the media from publicizing the massive economic and pocketbook damage caused by Biden’s mass migration. 

That goal is increasingly important as President Donald Trump spotlights the damage during the campaign.  Biden’s unpopular policy is  “flooding America’s labor pool with millions of low-wage illegal migrants who are directly attacking the wages and opportunities of hard-working Americans,” said a May statement from the Trump campaign.

Schumer: GOP Must Vote for More Migration to Get Fentanyl Cuts

Paul Ratje/AFP/Getty, Olivier Douliery/AFP

“We have to do something,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Wednesday, adding:

Thanks to my Democratic colleagues who are here today, I thank them for highlighting how important this is for the [migration] bill. Our Republican friends are talking about “The borders! Close the borders, it has fentanyl!” This bill will stop the flow of fentanyl in many large ways. Are they going to put their votes where their rhetoric is or are they going to play politics? It’s that simple.

The Democrats’ border bill, however, would accelerate President Joe Biden’s inflow of low-wage economic migrants by expanding various asylum and parole gateways, but not help with deportations or illegal hiring. “The border never closes,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CN) gloated in a tweet as the border bill was unveiled in February.

The bill would help “more migrants come here successfully and efficiently,” said progressive columnist Greg Sargent.

However, Democrats are refusing to debate the GOP’s rival HR-2 bill, which would both cut migration and reduce drug smuggling. “HR-2 would secure the border,” Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) told a press conference on Wednesday, adding:

But Schumer and [Sen. Dick] Durbin (R-Il) don’t have the spine to bring that bill forward and actually discuss border security. They’re not willing to say “We’re going take it up because we are sick and tired of seeing kids die from fentanyl poisoning.”

“The American people are smart — they understand hypocrisy when they see it, they understand cynicism when they see it.” Texas Sen. John Conyers told the reporters. He added:

Illegal Migrants Hurry to Cross Southern Border: ‘We Don’t Want Trump’

(Photo by David Peinado/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Two brothers, Ricardo, 20, and Sebastian, 18, told the New York Post in an interview that they had claimed asylum after they crossed the southern border illegally.

On the subject of the upcoming 2024 presidential election in November, Ricardo said they “think with the election, it will be harder” to cross the southern border.

“We don’t want Trump,” Sebastian added in the interview.

Trump has vowed if he is reelected that he will carry out “the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.”

An analysis by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in June 2023 found that almost 17 million illegal aliens were living in the U.S., representing “an increase of 2.3 million illegal aliens since Biden took office in January 2021 and an increase of 1.3 million illegal aliens since the same time last year.”

While migrant crossings in Eagle Pass, Texas, and other parts of Texas have decreased an increase in border crossings have been occurring in California and Arizona.

Sanctuary State Connecticut: Illegal Alien Freed from Prison After Killing Two Children


An illegal alien, convicted of killing two children, was released from prison after serving his sentence by the sanctuary state of Connecticut instead of being turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for deportation.

In November 2013, 40-year-old illegal alien Israel Alejandro Gonzalez-Arcinega of Mexico killed two children — a five-year-old and an eight-year-old, who were siblings — in a drunk driving crash before speeding off in Meriden, Connecticut.

That same month, ICE agents issued a detainer for Gonzalez-Arcinega, requesting custody of him rather than releasing him from police custody.

Gonzalez-Arcinega was sentenced to 12 years in prison and five years of probation.

In September 2014, ICE agents served Gonzalez-Arcinega with a Notice to Appear (NTA) before a federal immigration judge, and on May 14, 2015, a judge ordered Gonzalez-Arcinega deported from the United States.

Chicago Judge Releases Venezuelan Immigrant Allegedly Armed with Gun and 43 Rounds of Ammo

Chicago Police Department

The Chicago Police Department reported on Wednesday the arrest of an immigrant from Venezuela who was allegedly armed with a handgun and 43 rounds of ammunition.

Police confronted 21-year-old Venezuela native Jan Torres-Roman on the 5100 block of South Indiana on the evening of May 5 after the city’s ShotSpotter gunfire detection system caught a disturbance nearby. When officers arrived, they heard a gunshot, observed Torres-Roman running from the scene with a gun in his hand, and gave chase, according to CWBChiago.

Officials say that the immigrant is seen on surveillance video approaching a car while gripping his waist. He then reportedly places a gun under the auto’s passenger seat, then hides a box with 43 rounds of ammunition under a garbage bag in a gas station parking lot. The police also reported that the gun was stolen in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Despite being allegedly armed with a gun and apprehended at the scene of a shooting incident, Judge David Kelly released Torres-Roman from custody. Torres-Roman already ignored a scheduled hearing on May 13.

Venezuelan immigrant crime has soared in Chicago. As of April, more than 1,000 Venezuelan immigrants had been arrested in Chicago in 2024.

As Breitbart News reported in April, Venezuelan immigrants make up only 1.5 percent of Chicago’s population but have accounted for 11.11 percent of all arrests thus far in 2024, and that is just looking at arrest records containing country of origin.

VIDEO: Illinois Democrats Want to Change Term ‘Offender’ to ‘Justice-Impacted Individual’

Democrat state lawmakers in Illinois are hoping to change a 2009 bill to reclassify the term used for criminals.

Fox News reported on Wednesday that House Bill 4409, which is being sponsored by several Democrats, will amend the Illinois Crime Reduction Act’s references from “offenders” to “justice-impacted individuals.”

“It would also add members to the Adult Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board from the Illinois Department of Corrections, the Illinois Department of Human Services and the Sangamon and Cook County Adult Probation departments, as well as two members who have personal experience with the Adult Redeploy Illinois system,” the Fox article said.

The news comes as Illinois is being lead by Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) who won reelection in 2022, according to Breitbart News. The outlet noted that Pritzker has long been criticized for his soft-on-crime policies.

It is also important to note that Illinois became the first state in the nation to eliminate cash bail in September.

Jordanian in Quantico base breach entered US illegally, was let go by Border Patrol: report

One of the Jordanian nationals arrested for attempting to ram his way into Marine Corps Base Quantico with a box truck had been screened by the Border Patrol but let into the US with no restrictions, according to Fox News.

The man had illegally crossed into the US at San Diego, California, in April and was detained by the Border Patrol.

He was processed and let go to pursue asylum after authorities found “no initial derogatory information” against him, according to Fox.

He was joined in the truck for the May 3 attempted breach by another Jordanian national who was in the country illegally after overstaying a student visa, the news outlet said.

The incident was first reported by Potomac Local News and highlighted by The Post, despite the military attempting to keep it quiet.

Both men are in Immigration and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody, awaiting deportation.

Trump support among New Yorkers leaves reporter shocked

‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy spoke with residents in the Bronx to discuss their opinion on Trump’s upcoming rally blocks away from AOC’s district.


Gutfeld: UPenn anti-Israel protester left ‘crying poor’ comes from ‘loaded’ family

Gutfeld!’ panelists weigh in on UPenn student Eliana Atienza claiming a suspension for participating in an anti-Israel encampment made her ‘homeless’ despite reportedly coming from wealth.

Laura Ingraham: We need to stop this madness

Fox News host Laura Ingraham breaks down why President Biden should not be given four more years to ‘destroy the integrity’ of the U.S. federal courts on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, May 13-May 20, 2024

Athletes in US (5), Colombia, Brazil (2), UK, Germany, Greece, Spain, Botswana, S. Africa, Turkey, Russia; journos in US (2), Brazil, UK, Italy (2); musicians in US, Brazil, UK, France, Germany (2)

Note: Click on the countries links for this week’s compilations of those who “died suddenly” (the individual Substacks are too long to email).

(From My In Box)

Cancer experts and renowned Oncologists Worldwide Call For Immediate Halt to mRNA Gene Therapy Amid Surge of Hyper-progressive cancer cases

In recent discussions surrounding the surge in aggressive cancer cases, often referred to as “Turbo Cancer,” Dr. Maarten Fornerod is joining a growing assembly of oncologists and cancer experts who are raising serious concerns.

They point to a troubling correlation between experimental mRNA gene therapy and the increase in these fast-progressing cancers.

This retrospective study examines age-adjusted cancer mortality following the third mRNA lipid nanoparticle vaccine dose during the COVID-19 pandemic. Covering a substantial portion of the Japanese population, the study reveals an increase in cancer-related deaths from 2021 to 2022, compared to a continued decline from 2010 to 2020.

Dr. Fornerod highlighted a particularly telling figure from the paper, which shows a steady decrease in cancer mortality until 2020, but a notable deviation and significant increase in 2021 and 2022, coinciding with successive rounds of mRNA vaccinations. 

In The News Today: 5/22/2024.

Why NASA Is Developing A NEW Nuclear Rocket!

The latest nuclear propulsion system revealed by NASA: the Pulsed Plasma Rocket.

Biden admin announces $7.7B student debt handout for 160K borrowers

The Biden administration announced another $7.7 billion is going toward more than 160,000 borrowers in the latest round of student loan debt handouts. (Getty Images / Getty Images)

Three categories of borrowers are covered in the latest handout: people receiving Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), people signed up for President Biden’s Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan who are also eligible for its shortened time-to-forgiveness benefit and people receiving forgiveness on income-driven repayment (IDR) as a result of fixes made by the administration.

It includes $5.2 billion for 66,900 borrowers through fixes to PSLF, $613 million for 54,300 borrowers through the SAVE Plan that will go to borrowers enrolled in the SAVE Plan who had smaller loans for their postsecondary studies and $1.9 billion for 39,200 borrowers through administrative adjustments to IDR payment counts, the Department of Education (DOE) said in a press release.

As of Wednesday’s announcement, the Biden administration has cleared $167 billion in student loan debt for 4.75 million Americans, the DOE said.

In addition to the loans cleared under IDR, the SAVE Plan and PSLF, the Biden administration has also approved $28.7 billion for more than 1.6 million borrowers who were “cheated by their schools, saw their institutions precipitously close, or are covered by related court settlements” and $14.1 billion for more than 548,000 borrowers with a total and permanent disability.

Fauci adviser’s alleged destruction of COVID origin docs must be probed by AG: Rand Paul

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is formally calling for an investigation into accusations of improper concealment and destruction of COVID-19 origin records. (Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

Sen. Rand Paul is calling on the Justice Department to probe whether a top adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci improperly concealed, and perhaps even destroyed, documents pertaining to the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Kentucky Republican is formally calling for an investigation into accusations of improper concealment and destruction of COVID-19 origin records by Dr. David Morens in a letter addressed to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday. 

The letter, citing emails obtained by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, presents “significant evidence” suggesting Morens may have violated federal law by hiding and erasing records related to the origins of COVID-19 to avoid leaks through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

“Dr. David Morens, a senior advisor to Fauci for decades, wrote in an email to Dr. Daszak, ‘I learned from our FOIA lady here how to make emails disappear after I am FOIA’d, but before the search starts. So I think we are all safe. Plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to Gmail.’ Is that consistent with NIH document retention policies?” Comer asked Tabak, to which he responded that it is not.

Washington state judge lowers bail for illegal immigrant accused of killing trooper from $1M to $100K

Raul Benitez Santana is accused of killing a Washington State Patrol officer after crashing his car into a patrol vehicle in March. (FOX13 Seattle KCPQ)

Raul Benitez Santana, 32, is currently being held at the Snohomish County Jail on charges of vehicular assault and vehicular homicide involving alcohol or drugs in connection to the death of 27-year-old Washington State Patrol Trooper Christopher M. Gadd in March.

Santana was initially held on $1 million bail, but online jail records on Wednesday show his bail was reduced to $100,000.

Gadd was killed just before 3 a.m. on southbound I-5 near Marysville when an SUV veered off the roadway and onto the shoulder, striking his parked patrol vehicle. The SUV was allegedly traveling at a high rate of speed when the crash occurred.

FOX13 in Seattle previously reported it had obtained court documents alleging Santana had bloodshot eyes and admitted to police he had been drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana before getting behind the wheel of the vehicle and driving.

IAF says ready for Northern war; Norway, Spain & Ireland to recognize Palestine TV7Israel News 22.05

1) Jerusalem’s top defense official urges IDF forces remain vigilant and prepare for war with Hezbollah. 2) U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken tells the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the Biden Administration will work to advance bipartisan legislation to hold the ICC and its prosecutor accountable. 3) Ireland, Spain and Norway announce their respective decision to recognize a Palestinian state.

Russia-Ukraine war: Russia advances near Vovchansk, Chasiv Yar & Kharkiv | WION Fineprint

Moscow seems to be executing a grand plan one that is designed to open a new front in the Ukraine war.

Russia’s spacecraft tails US spy satellite | Latest News | WION

Tensions between Russia and the United States are spilling over into the realm of space. WION’s report explains how a Russian spacecraft tailed an American spy satellite in low earth orbit has ignited concerns over the militarisation of space.