In The News Today: 6/13/2024.

US and World News Articles, , Politics, Video Posts and Commentary.

Kentucky Man Convicted on Terrorism Charges, Offering Support to ISIS Terrorist Group

Mirsad Hariz Adem Ramic. (Grayson County Detention Center)

The man, who holds both U.S. and Bosnian citizenship, has offered fundamental material support to the ISIS terrorist group, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Wednesday.

According to a DOJ press release, Mirsad Hariz Adem Ramic, 34, traveled to Turkey in 2014 shortly after he joined ISIS, which is a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization.

“Mirsad Hariz Adem Ramic and two co-conspirators coordinated their departure from the United States, arriving separately in Istanbul, Turkey. They abandoned the rest of their purchased travel itineraries, and purchased tickets to fly to Gaziantep, Turkey,” as per the release.

After they arrived in Gaziantep, Mr. Ramic and the two co-conspirators crossed into Syria to attend an ISIS training camp….

Former San Diego CBP Officer Convicted of Taking Bribes to Let Drugs, Illegal Immigrants Into US

(Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Leonard Darnell George, 41, was convicted on Monday by a federal jury in San Diego on one felony count each of receiving a bribe as a public official and conspiring to import methamphetamine and two counts of conspiring to bring undocumented migrants to the U.S. for financial gain. He was acquitted of a fifth count of conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine.

Prosecutors said that the defendant was associated with 19 crossings at the San Ysidro Port of Entry over a six-month period.
Text messages shown to the jury revealed that he charged $17,000 for one vehicle to pass, $34,000 for two vehicles, $51,000 for three vehicles and $65,000 for four vehicles. In June 2022, the defendant received a $68,000 bribe payment for letting four drug-laden vehicles pass through his lane.

“With this verdict, the jury sent a clear message to anyone considering trading in their badge for cash,” U.S. Attorney Tara K. McGrath said in a statement. “Abandoning the integrity of the uniform for the conspiracy of drug trafficking is a path to a criminal conviction.”

Court Rules “Success Kid” Meme Use in Political Ad Does Not Qualify as Fair Use

When the Obama White House in 2013 used the “Success Kid” meme to promote, in posts on social media, the adoption of the Immigration Reform Bill – nobody clenched a fist, much less batted an eyelash to brand this PR strategy as a copyright violation.

However, the same can’t be said for the case of former Republican Congressman Steve King’s use of the meme (variations of which have been all over the internet for the past 15 or so years).

But, when it made its way to one of King’s Facebook posts in 2020, the family of the child whose picture is used as a template sued on copyright grounds.

And now a court has once again sided with their arguments. The “new rule” is that the image turned into a meme, when used in a political ad, does not fall under the fair use copyright exemption.

The mother of the child, Laney Griner, has no problem with the picture being used in other types of ads – the United States Court of Appeals For the Eighth Circuit ruling notes that she took the photo in 2007, and after “Success Kid” became extremely popular, copyrighted it in 2012 to then license it to the likes of Virgin Mobile, Vitamin Water, Microsoft, and Coca-Cola, who used it in ads.

Regarding other political campaigns (notably, the Obama administration pushing the immigration legislation), this latest decision saw the circuit judge agree with the trail judge that the evidence about the meme’s association with political ideas should not be considered.

Gates Foundation Awards $4M Grant To Fund Digital ID Initiative

The Gates Foundation continues to bankroll various initiatives around the world aimed at introducing digital ID and payments by the end of this decade.

The scheme is known as the digital public infrastructure (DPI), and those pushing it include private or informal groups like the said foundation and the World Economic Forum (WEF), but also the US, the EU, and the UN.

And now, the UK-based AI and data science research group Alan Turing Institute has become the recipient of a renewed grant, this time amounting to $4 million, given by the Gates Foundation.

This has been announced as initial funding for the Institute’s initiative to ensure “responsible” implementation of ID services.

The Turing Institute is presenting its work that will be financed by the grant over the next three years as a multi-disciplinary project focused on positive issues, such as ensuring that launching DPI elements (like digital ID) is done with privacy and security concerns properly addressed.

But – given the past and multi-year activities of the Gates Foundation, nobody should be blamed for interpreting this as an attempt to actually whitewash these key issues – namely privacy and security – that opponents of centralizing people’s identities through digital ID schemes consistently warn about….

Indiana and Mississippi Are Sued Over Online Age Verification Digital ID Laws

This comes after long years of these companies scoffing at First Amendment speech protections, as they censored their users’ speech and/or deplatformed them.

We obtained a copy of the lawsuit for you here.

It might seem hypocritical, but at the same time, even a broken clock is right twice a day. In this case, it is the industry group NetChoice that has launched the legal battle (NetChoice v. Fitch), at the center of which is state bill HB 1126 which requires age verification to be implemented on social networks.

NetChoice correctly observes that forcing people (for the sake of providing parental consent) to essentially unmask themselves through age verification (“age assurance”) exposes sensitive personal data, undermines their constitutional rights, and poses a threat to the online security of all internet users.

The filing against Mississippi also asserts that it is up to parents – rather than what NetChoice calls “Big Government” – to, in different ways, assure that their children are using sites and online services in an age-appropriate manner.

Another state, Indiana, is being sued on similar grounds – violation of constitutional protections – and for similar reasons, namely, the age verification push.

This time, it’s not done in the name of Big Tech, but by what some reports choose to dub “Big Porn.” Indiana State Attorney General Todd Rokita is named as a defendant in this lawsuit, brought by major porn sites, industry associations, and marketing and production companies……

IT’S COMING – Something HUGE Is About To Happen

The Kremlin has officially labelled the United States as an “enemy” state for the first time, reflecting the deteriorating relations between Moscow and Washington.

Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens?!

BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales has uncovered some massive issues with Michigan’s voting system ahead of the 2024 election.

For starters, Michigan’s George Soros-funded Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, tried to allow the state to count ballots received after election day. She has also championed a measure that would allow same-day registration without a photo ID.

What could possibly go wrong when there’s ZERO verification, Sara and Glenn say! To make matters worse, the state has also expanded mail-in voting. And the icing on the cake? 105% of the state’s population is registered to vote! Gee, how could that have happened?

AFL Lawsuit Alleges Bragg and Biden for President Violated FEC Rules

America First Legal (AFL) claims New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Biden for President may have violated the Federal Election Campaign Act with their alleged illegally coordinated and politically motivated prosecution against Trump. To get to the bottom of those claims, AFL filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against Bragg and Biden for President on Wednesday.

The complaint alleges coordinated campaign contributions showing Bragg donated more than $3,300, “an excessive contribution in the form of a coordinated expenditure in violation of 52 U.S.C. § 30116(a)(1)(A).” The complaint also claims that Biden for President “knowingly accepted” funds violating 52 U.S.C § 30116(f). In addition, according to the complaint, Biden for President failed to provide the “required disclosure information,” violating 52 U.S.C. § 30104(b) and 11 C.F.R. § 104.3(a)–(b). In essence, the lawsuit seeks to connect the dots between Bragg’s prosecution of Trump and the idea that Bragg acted “in cooperation, consultation, or concert with, or at the request of Biden for the principal purpose of influencing the 2024 presidential election,” financially and politically.

The complaint continues:…

Jason Whitlock DESTROYS Joy Reid & Jemele Hill for Caitlin Clark HATE

Jason Whitlock goes off on MSNBC’s Joy Reid and her fellow race-baiter Jemele Hill for their recent comments about WNBA rookie sensation Caitlin Clark.

Whitlock goes where others are afraid to with his analysis in a brutal response to these two women and other Caitlin Clark detractors.

The Swamp Is Seeking Revenge On House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good


Good’s voting record is exemplary. Chairman Good vocally opposed the debt limit deal that gave Washington a two-year blank check to add as much as $4 trillion to our debt. Good opposed the continuing resolutions that rubber-stamped Nancy Pelosi’s spending levels and radical policies.

Good said we should not give a penny more in funding to Ukraine without first securing our own borders. Good fought against Biden’s radical policies on energyparents rightsreligious libertiesgun control, and abortion on demand. And Good opposed reauthorizing federal agents to spy on Americans. These positions did not make him friends in D.C., but they were the right stances and the ones the people he serves in Virginia wanted him to take.

His voting record is reflected in his 100 percent rating from every conservativeliberty-mindedpro-lifepro-Second Amendment, and pro-family organization. Few other members of the House can match his conservative bona fides, and you will find no one with a better record than Bob Good in Washington.

The Freedom Caucus is the conscience of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives. This group of courageous patriots hold fellow Republicans accountable to keep the promises they made to voters. No one is more outspoken than Chairman Good.

Not long after his removal from the speaker’s office, McCarthy’s allies identified an ambitious and newly elected Virginia state senator and promised him millions of dollars in outside support to run against Chairman Good. Once the Swamp had an opponent who filed for the seat, lobbyists in Washington and mega-donors from New York and California began pouring millions of dollars of negative advertising into the race, turning it into the most expensive and nastiest congressional primary of 2024….

WHO update

James Roguski brings us up to date on the Pandemic Accords and International Health Regulations

Israel pledges to respond to Hezbollah’s aggression; US concerned re escalation TV7Israel News 13.06

1) The Iranian-proxy Hezbollah declares its intention to intensify hostilities against Israel.

2) Despite a call by U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin – urging Israel to exercise restraint vis-à-vis Lebanon; Jerusalem asserts that it will hold Hezbollah accountable for its aggression.

3) U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken stresses that Washington will persist in efforts to pressure Hamas to accept the terms outlined in a ceasefire – which the Islamist terror group essential rejected.

GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Biden Laptop

Secretary of State Antony Blinken was among the coordinators in the intelligence community (IC) that put forth the letter claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation

In the days since Hunter Biden’s laptop was entered into evidence in his Delaware gun trial, Republican lawmakers have called out the 51 intelligence officials who originally cast doubt on its authenticity before the 2020 election.

“I think there needs to be an investigation into every single one of them,” Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Fla., told the Daily Mail during congressional baseball practice.

“We know that the intel community never operates in absolutes, and the fact that we had 51 come forward and try to put forward a narrative that this was disinformation, misinformation, when everyone knew full well that it wasn’t — that it was very real — that speaks volumes about the politicization and the weaponization of the DOJ [Department of Justice] and the IC [intelligence community].”

Cammack also said their security clearances need to be revoked…

Trump has the stage set to nail Joe Biden for his lies about Hunter’s laptop

The last time Joe Biden met Donald Trump on a debate stage, he lied that his son Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, “a Russian plant” and “a bunch of garbage.”

This was two days after Biden’s senior campaign adviser Antony Blinken induced Mike Morell, a former acting CIA director, to write the dishonest “Dirty 51” letter claiming the laptop “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian intelligence operation” and that “the Russians are involved in the Hunter Biden email issue.”

The Biden campaign was desperately scrambling for a way to respond to The Post’s laptop scoops about Joe meeting Hunter’s foreign clients when he was VP.

So Morell got 50 other former senior intelligence officials, mostly from the CIA, to sign the letter.

“Campaign will be thrilled,” he wrote in emails obtained by congressional investigators.

“We think Trump will attack Biden on the issue at this week’s debate and we want to give the VP a talking point to use in response.”

On that debate stage back in October 2020, after he was done lying about the laptop, Biden looked into the camera and told the American people: “You know his character. You know my character. You know my reputation is for honor and telling the truth.”

We sure do.

At their debate later this month, Trump will get his first opportunity to confront Biden about his lies.

Now that the laptop has been entered into the official record as government Exhibit 16 in the Delaware District Court, verified by the FBI as belonging to his son, and used for key evidence that convicted Hunter of three felony gun charges this week, Biden should be forced to come clean about his corrupt involvement in his family’s global influence-peddling scheme….

Buenos Aires Erupts in Violent Protests After Argentine Senate Approves Milei’s Economic Reforms

Buenos Aires rocked by clashes Photograph:(Reuters)

The motion initially tied 36-36, with the head of the chamber, Vice President Victoria Villarruel, breaking the tie.

The protesters – who say the measures will hurt millions of Argentines – threw petrol bombs and stones, setting a car on fire.

Several were reported injured, with local media describing the scene on Wednesday (June 12) as not less than a battlefield.

It may be mentioned here, the reform package, proposed by right-wing President Javier Milei to revive the country’s flagging economy, includes declaring a state of economic emergency, cutting pensions and watering down labour rights.

The measures are opposed by leftist political parties, labour unions and social organisations.

Clashes erupted when protesters attempted to breach fences to reach Congress, hurling rocks at officers who responded with pepper spray.

Supreme Court Sides with Starbucks Over Fired Pro-Union Employees

(Reuters/Mike Segar/File Photo)

The U.S. Supreme Court sided on Thursday with Starbucks in the coffee chain’s challenge to a judicial order to rehire seven Memphis employees fired as they sought to unionize in a ruling that could make it harder for courts to quickly halt labor practices contested as unfair under federal law.

About 400 Starbucks locations in the United States have unionized, involving more than 10,000 employees. Both sides at times have accused the other of unlawful or improper conduct.

Hundreds of complaints have been filed with the NLRB accusing Starbucks of unlawful labor practices such as firing union supporters, spying on workers and closing stores during labor campaigns. Starbucks has denied wrongdoing and said it respects the right of workers to choose whether to unionize.

In 2022, workers at a Starbucks cafe on Poplar Avenue in Memphis became among the first in the company to unionize. Early in their efforts, they allowed a television news crew into the cafe after hours to talk about the union campaign. Starbucks fired seven workers present that evening, including several who belonged to the union organizing committee.

Despite the dismissals, employees there subsequently voted to join the Workers United union.

The Dana Show | 06.13.24

Biden’s G7 Trip To Italy, SCOTUS Makes Major Opinion, AG Garland Held In Contempt Of Congress, Countdown To 2024, Latest On Israel-Hamas, Today In Wokery, Quickfive, FL Man, Today In Stupidity & more.

G7 Leaders Agree to Loan $50 Billion to Ukraine Using Interest from Frozen Russian Assets

Adam Berry/Getty Images

G7 leaders will agree on a new $50-billion loan for Ukraine as they gather Thursday for a summit at a plush resort in southern Italy. The funds will come from profits stripped off frozen Russian assets.

AFP reports Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will fly in to join U.S. President Joe Biden and leaders from Italy, Britain, France, Germany, Canada and Japan for the talks at the luxury Borgo Egnazia resort in Puglia.

The money is destined to to help Kyiv with defence, budgetary support, and reconstruction after more than two years of war with Russia.

The loan would be secured against the future profits from interest on $325 billion of Russian central bank assets frozen by Western allies, the AFP report notes, and be added to the other funding flooding the besieged country from abroad….

Nigel Farage Ready to Lead Britain’s Right Wing With Collapse of Legacy Conservatives, He Says

(Photo by DARREN STAPLES/AFP via Getty Images)

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage, who appears to be at the inflection point of overtaking the centuries-old Conservative Party as the major party of the British right says he would even consider taking over the Tories and incorporating them into Reform.

Farage spoke to his former employer, the broadcaster LBC on Thursday morning as part of his ongoing media blitz promoting his candidacy to be elected to Britain’s parliament and looked forward to the likely fallout from July’s election. Per present polling the opposition leftwing Labour Party is on track to win an overwhelming victory and take control of the government.

As Farage has repeatedly said in the past week the question is not now who will form the next British government, but rather who will have the important job of opposing it, and who will challenge it for power at the next election in 2029, or before.

In normal times of Britain’s legacy two-party system this would be the Conservatives who are presently in power, but they have upset their own voters so badly, there is a developing feeling the party deserves to win zero seats and to vanish for good…

Germany: Afghan Migrant Arrested After Ukrainian Woman Stabbed in Park

Andreas Arnold/picture alliance via Getty Images

The police said that the Afghan migrant came upon the woman unnoticed from behind, grabbed her by the shoulders, and began to stab her neck and head with a boxcutter knife.

Although she was able to momentarily escape from the assailant, she stumbled and fell to the ground allowing the attacker to once again gain control of her, after which he began to stab her again.

“The woman’s screams alerted witnesses to what had happened and they went to the crime scene. The suspect is said to have then let go of his victim and fled,” the police said.

The Bild newspaper reports that the woman had fled from the war in Ukraine to Germany. The paper has also named the alleged attacker as Mohammad Zaman A.

The attack comes amid increasing knife crime in Germany. According to Der Speigel, the number of knife crimes rose by nearly 50 per cent in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia last year, rising from 4,191 crimes in 2022 to 6,221 in 2023. The report found that a third of suspects were under the age of 21 years old. Nearly half, 47.4 per cent, of perpetrators did not hold a German passport.

The attack in Frankfurt also comes after a police officer was killed by a failed asylum seeker from Afghanistan after he launched a frenzied knife attack against an anti-Islamification in Mannheim last month.

Referendum to Amend Proposition 47 Qualifies for California Ballot, Despite Democrat Opposition

Mario Tama/Getty

A ballot initiative to amend parts of Proposition 47, the 2014 “criminal justice reform” that many blame for a wave of crime and retail theft in California, has officially qualified for the November ballot, according to California officials

An activist group, Californians for Safer Communities, has spearheaded the initiative. They had gathered enough signatures by late April, but only officially qualified for the ballot this week.

Democrats in the state legislature, urged by Gov. Newsom, have been debating other measures to deal with crime, short of reforming Proposition 47.

They have been trying to negotiate to keep the new referendum off the ballot.

In addition, according to Bay Area NBC affiliate KCRA, Democrats have been considering adding “inoperability” clauses to their proposed crime bills, which would make the bills inactive if the new ballot initiative passes.

Trump Meets with House Republicans in High Energy, ‘Unifying Event’ in D.C.

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, file

Inside the meeting, which Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) described to the Hill as “a pep rally,” spirits were reportedly high. Trump lauded Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) for her primary win on Tuesday, while he also joked about tensions between Rep. Marjoire Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), sources told the outlet.

A source noted that Trump complimented Greene, too.

The meeting followed Wednesday’s Congressional Baseball Game, in which Republicans trounced Democrats 31-11. Team manager Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX) gifted Trump, who celebrates his 78th birthday on Friday, a ball and bat from the contest, the Hill reported. Members also sang Happy Birthday to the 45th president.

Trump also spoke about some more serious policy topics, including pushing for exceptions for abortion and protecting women’s sports.

In a GOP Leadership press conference after the meeting, House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik stated Trump “was warmly welcomed by” the GOP members, adding, “We are 100 percent unified behind his candidacy.”…

NYPD busts suspected terror plot

Fox News’ Bryan Llenas reports that police discovered the ‘disturbing cache of weapons’ and indications of a possible terror attack found during a routine traffic stop.

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