In The News Today: 5/28/2024.

She’s EXPOSING The Globalist Illegal Immigration Agenda

Naomi Wolf on mass illegal immigration.

Hong Kong arrests Chow Hang-tun and others under new security law | Radio Free Asia (RFA)

Hong Kong police arrest six people for ‘seditious’ Facebook posts.

Tiananmen vigil organizer Chow Hang-tung is among the arrestees, the first under the Article 23 security law.

What Do You Notice About The Trump-Biden Debate Restrictions? Now It Makes Sense

The Trump Biden debate is on, but with some massive restrictions

Travis Kelce Defends Harrison Butker’s Pro-Family Commencement Speech

After weeks of backlash against Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker for his pro-woman, pro-tradition, and pro-religion speech at the commencement ceremony at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, his celebrity teammate Travis Kelce spoke out in defense of Butker – which is huge, considering the fact that Kelce is dating pop singer/songwriter Taylor Swift, whose fans roasted Butker’s stance and traditional values.

Here’s an excerpt from Butker’s speech on May 11 that garnered so much controversy:

How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.

Butker also condemned IVF and abortion as ways of “playing God.”

“I’ve known him for seven plus years, probably, eight plus years. And I cherish him as a teammate,” Kelce said on “New Heights,” a podcast he hosts with his brother Jason Kelce, a former Eagles player.

Kelce added the following about Butker, who he calls “Harry”:

He’s treated friends and family that I’ve introduced to him with nothing but respect and kindness and that’s how he treats everyone. When it comes down to his views and what he said at Saint Benedict’s commencement speech, those are his.

I can’t say I agree with the majority of it or just about any of it outside of just him loving his family and his kids and I don’t think that I should judge him by his views, especially his religious views, of how to go about life. That’s just not who I am.

Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes shared a similar sentiment on Wednesday, noting that Butker was a “good person” regardless of whether or not he necessarily agreed with him…

Israeli PM vows never to surrender; Madrid, Dublin & Oslo Recognize Palestine TV7 Israel News 28.05

1) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledges not to end war versus Hamas until all of the objectives are achieved.

2) Israeli National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi acknowledges that Israel-Saudi Normalization remains on the agenda.

3) Israel prepares for punitive measures against Ireland, Spain and Norway, as the three European nations officially recognize a State of Palestine.

Jeffrey Sachs: The Untold History of the Cold War, CIA Coups Around the World, and COVID’s Origin

Professor Jeffrey Sachs is the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He is the author of many best selling books, including The End of Poverty and The Ages of Globalization.

Here he is with probably the smartest and most accurate assessment of the Ukraine war, and American foreign policy more broadly, ever caught on tape.

Biden admin ripped for building only 8 EV charging stations after $7.5B investment

The ‘Fox & Friends’ co-hosts discussed why the Biden administration is facing scrutiny for slow EV charger production.

Is Soros Losing His Grip? (Ep. 2258) – 05/28/2024

The tables are turning. In this episode, I discuss the downfall of Soros-backed officials across the country, Biden’s worsening situation, an updated election outlook and more.

Fear Trump—or Bust?

As Trump continues to show leads in critical swing states, as various lawfare-inspired cases against him seem to the public to be more persecutions than prosecutions, and as Joe Biden appears daily more incoherent and lost, the left on spec has resorted to warning the nation about all the supposedly catastrophic consequences of a future Trump presidency.

Ironically, the left seems oblivious to the reality that one reason Trump leads Biden in the polls is precisely because voters can compare the four-year record of the prior Trump presidency to Biden’s last 40 months.

Recently, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warned that Trump will conspire with oil executives to spike gasoline prices. But even after Biden drained the strategic petroleum reserve before the 2022 midterms and is now again doing the same as the 2024 election approaches, gas prices have averaged only one-third cheaper than under Trump.

Trump tried to top off the reserve but was blocked by Democrats in Congress. Nevertheless, he left Biden a nearly full reservoir of 638 million barrels (about 90 percent full), which Biden has now drained by some 270 million barrels to the present 51 percent full—and the levels are falling further as voting nears…

Absurd: Radical Leftist Rashida Tlaib Speaks At Conference Connected With Terrorist Group 

Rashida Tlaib, a Congresswoman from Detroit and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, spoke over the weekend at the “People’s Conference for Palestine,” linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

This group, an Arab nationalist movement with Marxist-Leninist ideology, is designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the US. It has public-facing arms, such as Samidoun, working on behalf of the group, and active cells in many countries in Europe and North America. 

During the Saturday speech, Tlaib referred to members of the audience as the “squad” and demanded President Biden establish a “red line” on Israel’s counteroffensive in Gaza. 

She criticized the president for “attacking the authority” of the International Criminal Court, which issued an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week over war crimes and crimes against humanity in Israel’s mission to eliminate Hamas in Gaza. 

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