In The News Today: 5/17/2024.

Biden Admin claims to oppose NATO presence in Ukraine — but top US general says “We’ll get there”

Here’s how you know 100% the Biden Admin is fully aware the American people DON’T WANT the US in Ukraine. The White House is lying to your face about opposing it — even as it works behind the scenes to make it “inevitable”.

“Inevitable” — by the way — is the New York Time’s word for it.

To tell the truth however is General Charles Brown, the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: “We’ll get there eventually, over time.”

This massive escalation will be “inevitable” only if Joe Biden is re-elected in November.

US says NATO military trainers will eventually be sent to Ukraine: report

It comes as Ukraine battles to hold the line against Russian offensives in Ukraine’s northeast such as the city of Kharkiv as well as in the east and south – and just weeks after the U.S. agreed to send an extra $60 billion in aid to the war-torn country.

Ukrainian officials have asked their U.S. and NATO counterparts to help train 150,000 new recruits closer to the front line for faster deployment, the New York Times reports. 

Manpower has long been an issue for Kyiv’s military as it fights a much larger and better-equipped foe. The problem has grown more acute in recent months, prompting authorities to introduce stricter measures for draft evaders, while the draft mobilization age has been lowered from 27 to 25, with the upper limit being 60.

The new law offers parole to convicts who sign a contract to join the army, a move that some officials have said could generate a maximum of 20,000 soldiers for the Ukrainian war effort. Those convicted of the most serious crimes, such as the premeditated murder of two or more people, rape and crimes against national security, would still not be allowed to enlist.

But the new recruits need to be trained and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is calling on the West for help.

Trans middle school athlete whose presence stirred protests is accused of sexual harassment

Trans athlete “B.P.J.” with a blurred face shown on a track. (ACLU)

B.P.J., which is how court documents refer to the transgender athlete at the center of the allegations and another West Virginia lawsuit, allegedly made “several offensive and inappropriate sexual comments” to Cross throughout the school shot put season. The interactions allegedly escalated to more “aggressive, vile, and disturbing” comments during Cross’s final year of middle school. B.P.J is a biological male who identifies as a female.

“During the end of that year, about two to three times per week, B.P.J. would look at me” and make a sexually explicit vulgar comment, Cross alleged in the lawsuit filed May 8. “There were usually other girls around who heard this. I heard B.P.J. say the same thing to my other teammates, too.”

“B.P.J. made other more explicit sexual statements that felt threatening to me. At times, B.P.J.” would make remarks suggesting a desire to carry out sexual assault, according to the lawsuit.

“I felt confused and disgusted when I heard these vulgar and aggressive comments,” Cross alleged. “It was especially confusing because I was told that B.P.J. was on the girls’ team because B.P.J. identifies as a girl, but the girls on the team never talked like that.”

California school forced to pay out $360,000 to Christian teacher fired over refusal to use preferred pronouns

Jessica Tapia, a staunch conservative Christian, had her contract terminated by the Jurupa Unified School District in 2023 and filed a lawsuit against administrators a short time later.

According to Fox News, the settlement was finalized on Tuesday and while Tapia will receive monetary compensation, the JUSD refused to acknowledge any wrongdoing on its part.

Tapia was first reprimanded in September 2022, after students tracked her down on Instagram and reported a number of her posts promoting Christian conservative values to administrators. She was placed on administrative leave, and over the following months, took part in three meetings with district officials.

In the second meeting, she was asked to comply with a “Plan of Assistance and Directives” that asked her to “lie to parents about their children’s gender identity, refer to students by their preferred pronouns, refrain from expressing her religious beliefs with students or on her social media, and allow students to use the bathroom or locker room that matched their preferred sex.”

Natalie Winters’ EXC: Soros-Backed Group Advising Election Offices On Poll Worker Selection.

Biden exec. order on “third-party voter registration” will “weaponize” government for Dems, Rep. alleges

House Administration Committee Chairman Rep. Bryan Steil has alleged that President Joe Biden’s 2021 executive order on “third-party voter registration” will direct federal agencies to collaborate with left-wing groups to boost voter turnout, thereby weaponizing the government for his reelection efforts.

During a heated House Administration Committee hearing, Chairman Bryan Steil (R-WI) criticized President Biden’s executive order for allegedly using federal resources to favor his reelection. “What they have done is weaponize all federal agencies on behalf of President Biden’s reelection campaign,” Steil declared, highlighting a conflict between governmental duty and political maneuvering.

The executive order, detailed to foster voter registration and turnout through partnerships with various organizations, has stirred controversy.

East Palestine resident says whistleblower is ‘tip of the iceberg’ for disaster response ‘cover-up’

East Palestine resident Linda Murphy accused the EPA of a disaster response “cover-up” on “The Bottom Line” Thursday. (Fox News)

A person who said he helped craft the technology and interpret data from advanced radiological sensors on a high-tech EPA plane used to survey the damage and take hazmat readings told The Associated Press the aircraft was enlisted too late.

In turn, the whistleblower told the outlet, it may have been unnecessary to burn off toxic vinyl chloride from five rail cars in a controlled release.

“My understanding is [the plane] was supposed to be here and collect hundreds of hours worth of data, and it didn’t do that. It didn’t collect the data where it was supposed to, when it was supposed to. The whole thing was a fail,” Murphy said. “I think that this has been a cover-up.”

Ohio Republican Gov. Mike DeWine’s office said that when it comes to whistleblowers, anyone with time-sensitive and pertinent information has been asked repeatedly to come forward, including in the immediate aftermath of the Norfolk-Southern spill. 

However, East Palestine residents remain skeptical of the EPA’s defense and worried over potential health impacts from the controlled burn.

Doctors Will Euthanize Healthy 28-Year-Old Woman Just Because She’s Autistic

Zoraya ter Beek, a 28-year-old woman dealing with depressing, ahs been granted the right to be killed in an assisted suicide. She is scheduled to be euthanized before the end of the month.

Ter Beek, who lives in a little Dutch town near the German border, once had ambitions to become a psychiatrist, but she was never able t complete her education because of her mental health condition. She said she was hobbled by her depression and autism and borderline personality disorder. Now she was tired of living—despite, she said, being in love with her boyfriend, a 40-year-old IT programmer, and living in a nice house with their two cats.

The woman says her psychologist told her they had tried everything to treat her depression, saying that “there’s nothing more we can do for you. It’s never gonna get any better.”

At that point, she said, she decided to die. “I was always very clear that if it doesn’t get better, I can’t do this anymore.”

Unfortunately, ter Beek has not connected with a Christian faith before making the decision — a faith that could give her the hope she needs.

Her case is sadly not unique. The 2023 Netherlands euthanasia report was recently released indicating a 20% increase in euthanasia deaths for mental illness.

A leading irish psychologist has spoken out against euthanizing people like ter Beek.

IDF expands its operation in Rafah; South Africa comes to Hamas aid at ICJ TV7 Israel News 17.05.24

1) Israel emphasizes to the United States its determination to achieve Jerusalem’s war objectives – including the eradication of Hamas in Rafah.

2) Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi accuses Israel of evading a ceasefire with Hamas – as the IDF expands its operations in the eastern section of the Rafah sector.

3) Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz tells South Africa’s leadership, following yet another ICJ hearing, that “repeating a lie a thousand times won’t turn it into truth.”

Dem staffers told to wear masks, remove IDs before anti-Israel protest

Fox News congressional correspondent Chad Pergram provides details on the demonstration, where staffers were advised to wear masks and remove ID badges

EXCLUSIVE: New Jersey Democrat U.S. Senator Cory Booker, Who Once Praised Trump’s NYC Indictment, Is A Client Of Judge Merchan’s Daugther’s Firm Authentic Campaigns

New Jersey Democrat U.S. Senator Cory Booker, who praised Alvin Bragg’s indictment of President Trump, posted to X, “The News of Trump’s indictment is a testament to one of the most fundamental ideals of our country: no one is above the law— not even Presidents” Booker is a client of Judge Merchan’s daughter firm Authentic Campaigns.

How can Judge Merchan be allowed to preside over Trump’s trial when his daughter’s high-profile Democrat clients are cheering on President Trump’s arrest? Authentic Campaigns has numerous top Democrat U.S. Senate clients, including the Senate Majority, a PAC associated with Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer.

Loomer exclusively reported that Judge Merchan’s daughter, Loren, is the partner and part-owner of Authentic Campaigns, a firm whose “featured client “is the Biden-Harris Campaign. In Joe Biden’s America, the rule of law no longer applies to President Trump as Judge Merchan is still allowed to preside over President Trump’s case.

Since Alvin Bragg indicted President Donald Trump, FEC records show that Senator Cory Booker has paid Judge Merchan’s daughters’ firm, Authentic Campaigns $336,021.98. 

EXCLUSIVE: Democrat NY Congressman Who Helped Prepare Michael Cohen For His Anti-Trump Testimony Is A Client Of Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Firm Authentic Campaigns

Judge Merchan’s conflict of interest deepens. New York Congressman Dan Goldman, who said on MSNBC Monday that he “deposed Michael Cohen and met with him a number of times to prepare him” to testify against President Trump in Trump’s New York trial, is also a client of Judge Merchan’s daughter’s firm Authentic Campaigns.

Goldman’s meeting with Cohen should be grounds for an immediate mistrial. Merchan’s daughter’s Authentic Campaigns has numerous top Democrat clients, including the Senate Majority, a PAC associated with Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer.

Loomer exclusively reported that Judge Merchan’s daughter, Loren, is the partner and part-owner of Authentic Campaigns, a firm whose “featured client “is the Biden-Harris Campaign. Due to Judge Merchan’s conflicts of interests, there is no way President Trump is currently receiving a fair trial in New York.

FEC records show that Dan Goldman For New York has made over 30 payments to Authentic Campaigns since 2023.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Rep. Eric Swalwell Runs Scared After Being Asked “How Can Democrats Be Protecting Democracy When You Want To Kick President Trump Off The Ballot?”

Loomer Unleashed greeted Swalwell, “Congressman can I ask you a quick question.” 

Looking extremely scared, Swalwell replied, “No, sorry, I am busy.”

Refusing to take no for an answer, Loomer Unleashed asked Swalwell, “Congressman, How Can Democrats Be Protecting Democracy When You Want To Kick President Trump Off The Ballot?”

Seething in anger over the Supreme Court ruling that kept President Trump on the ballot, Jamie Raskin told CNN, “Eric Swalwell, my colleagues and I are working to revive legislation, which we had, to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed an insurrection is disqualified by section 3 of the 14th Amendment.”

Elected Democrats are always eager to begin their “get Trump“ witch hunts. But when they are presented with facts about their Trump investigations or trials, elected Democrats always run or lie. If the Left’s “get Trump“ campaign is “just“ like the Left claims it is, then why can’t top-ranking Congressional Democrats answer the most basic questions?

FBI Official Encourages Agents to Use Warrantless Wiretaps on Americans: Report

A senior FBI official has reportedly encouraged agents to use the agency’s warrantless surveillance authority on American soil, according to a leaked email obtained by Wired. Paul Abbate, deputy director for the FBI, urged his subordinates to find ways to utilize Section 702 authority against U.S. citizens.

Despite its original purpose, Section 702 has been misused by the FBI to target journalists, American protesters, and even a sitting member of Congress. The program was controversially extended for two more years in April, despite objections from some conservative and progressive lawmakers.

In the email, dated April 20, Abbate instructs FBI employees to find ways to use the authority, stating:

“To continue to demonstrate why tools like this are essential to our mission, we need to use them, while also holding ourselves accountable for doing so properly and in compliance with legal requirements.” He added, “I urge everyone to continue to look for ways to appropriately use US person queries to advance the mission, with the added confidence that this new pre-approval requirement will help ensure that those queries are fully compliant with the law.”

Suspected Terrorists Entering U.S. Illegally Surge Over 2,500% Under Biden Administration

Border Patrol agents apprehended 367 individuals at the southern and northern borders between fiscal years 2021 and 2024 whose names appeared on the terror watch list, according to CBP’s latest data. This marks a dramatic increase of approximately 2,521% from the 14 suspected terrorists apprehended between fiscal years 2017 to 2020 during the Trump administration.

In the first seven months of the current fiscal year alone, there have been 80 Border Patrol encounters with suspected terrorists at the U.S.-Mexico border. This contrasts sharply with the 11 such encounters recorded during President Donald Trump’s tenure from fiscal years 2017 to 2020.

This increase in encounters follows several high-profile incidents where suspected terrorists entered the country and, in some cases, were released into the community.

Mohammad Kharwin, an Afghan national, was placed into a government monitoring program after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border near San Ysidro, California, in 2023. He was quickly removed from the program, known as Alternatives to Detention, and remained free in the U.S. for nearly a year until it was discovered he had potential ties to Hezbo-e-Islami, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization.

Harrison Butker Jersey Sales Skyrocket Amid Backlash over Faith-Based Commencement Speech

Jamie Squire/Getty Images

As Breitbart News reported, Harrison Butker came under fire this week for remarks he made at Benedictine College — a private Catholic school — wherein he decried abortion and gender ideology while advising women that motherhood could be more life-fulfilling than their careers.

Though Butker faced intense backlash, with a petition now calling for the NFL to fire him, it seems he has weathered the storm, and his jersey sales have since been soaring., for instance, has listed it as Most Popular in Jerseys.

Some conservatives have come to Butker’s defense, saying he only meant to extoll the virtues of motherhood, while other critics, some on the left and right, have said his statements were harmful to women by putting them in a box.

Missouri AG demands documents from Kanas City mayor after X account post about Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker

Harrison Butker on Feb. 5, 2024 in Las Vegas.Robin Alam / ISI Photos via Getty Images

The attorney general of Missouri is demanding information about the circumstances of a post shared on the X social media platform by the official city of Kansas City account that stated Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker’s city of residence.

The post, since deleted, stated, “Just a reminder that Harrison Butker lives in the City of Lee’s Summit.”

The city’s account later posted a message saying, “We apologies (sic) for the previous post. It was shared in error.”

In a press release, Missouri AG Andrew Bailey said the post appeared to be in “retaliation” for controversial remarks Butker made during a commencement speech at Benedictine College earlier this week.

2 Jordanians in ICE custody after trying to breach Quantico Marine base

Fox News’ Griff Jenkins reports the latest on the attempted breach.

NIH admits to funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan lab

Ohio Rep. Brad Wenstrup weighs in after NIH’s Dr. Lawrence Tabak made the ‘startling’ admission during a congressional hearing Thursday.

Laura Ingraham: This witness could deal ‘final blow’ in Trump trial

Former Michael Cohen adviser Bob Costello joined ‘The Ingraham Angle’ to discuss Cohen’s testimony in NY v. Trump and concerns regarding Cohen’s credibility.

Video: Laura: The gatekeepers want us silent

Fox News host Laura Ingraham says being a public witness to the Christian faith takes courage after the Kansas City Chiefs kicker witnessed to his faith during his commencement speech on ‘The Ingraham Angle.

Body of Shani Louk, previously paraded around Gaza, retrieved by IDF

(photo credit: REUTERS/AMMAR AWAD)

The body of Israeli-German citizen Shani Louk was found and retrieved by the IDF, the military announced on Friday.

Louk is well known for appearing in a video of Hamas soldiers sitting in the back of a pickup truck over her mangled body, and parading it around Gaza

In the beginning of the war, there was doubt cast whether Louk could have survived her injuries and was being held in captivity and treated in Gaza, but this was debunked when forensic examiners found a piece of her skull that is impossible to live with out.